Saturday, March 19, 2011

Calgary Rail Trip Day #3

This is what we walked by everytime we would walk out or hotel. I think its blog worthy.

Pipe-wire Corey was leading the way to the spot. But he did a bad job cause we got lost a couple times.

Jacob went exploring at the spot and came across this.

AL needed some extra speed for the spot.

Cant tell if he got enough.

Essex slipping out?

AL getting pressed.

Corey and Alan.

Ninja Stars.

Ninja AL

The Crew.

On the way home we decided to get sketchy out on this frozen lake.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Calgary Rail Trip Day #2

When we woke up the next morning we look out our window to see the Canadian Mounties (COPS) all over the parking lot.

Im not sure what was going on but im pretty sure some dude in the hotel was cooking meth with a hooker or two.

One of the hookers was in the cop car on the right.

Waxing the rail.

Mike and Alan were hoopin it up.


Al testing the wax.

Al approves.

Spot was getting flooded.

Al was trying to learn Jackson Boardslides...

It didnt work out.

Jacob art... NLGDFL

This is the demon child as Al called her. She wouldnt leave us alone and was really annoying.

Corey before Godzila...

And Corey after Godzila.

Jacob made this for Corey at the hospital. Is a get well gift.


We celebrated with a team pitcher.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Calgary Rail Trip Day #1

Before we left to Calgary Jacob that this would be a good to get him pumped up to get shots Calgary. I just thought it would be funny.

We packed pretty heavy for this trip, you can kinda see in the background. And the Excursion had a pretty huge back!

We got in pretty late that night. The next morning we got up and it was like 12 or 13 degrees out, I cant remember.

The first spot we went to was the COP rail, it was a pretty unsuccessful.

It took us a while to set up the spot, the snow was frozen.

Jacob like to play around at spots.

After a while of trying a trick Jacob caught his tail and chested the rail and dislocated his ribs. I didnt even know you could do that.

We didnt know a lot spots there and this is a pretty well known one. The run it sucked, and there wasnt much good snow to build the lip. So we used some plastic things and wood, but it worked out I guess.

On the way to the spot later, Al got a power nap in.

When we got back to the hotel Jacob was out.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Alan and Corey B-Roll Videos

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I have been filming a snowboard video and was gunna call it NORTHLAND, but I just saw another video from southern Idaho is called GHOSTLAND. So im changing the name of the video, that name was lame anyways. I suck at naming videos (if you havnt noticed that already) so im just going to call the video "The Merit Video." Im copying the new bones video name just so you know, but I dont care.

Friday, February 4, 2011


So this is our first sled trip of the season, and its Coreys second time ever on a sled. Before we left I figured we would be digging him out a lot.

Essex Prescott was nice enough to take us out on his sleds. Hes a nice dude.

When we got out to a zone the light was pretty awesome. Pretty awesome not to film that is, but we made the best of it. Oh and the snow sucked.

Here is Corey with his sled on the side. He only rolled the seld once today not bad. But he did get stuck in a lot of other spots.

After digging his sled out of another spot we made him walk up the hill to teach him a lesson.

Then we ate lunch.

And now im sore.